With a big iron on her hip, Mona rolled into Sandstone Springs as mysteriously as her motives. Or well, she had to anyway, on account that her van is completely busted in the middle of nowhere after a road accident. Since the repair would take longer than usual, she may as well hang out in Sandstone Springs until then. There has been hushed whisperings between townspeople, questioning one another what someone like her is doing in this dying old mining town. Being Mona though, she knows better than to tangle herself in others' businesses and just keeps to herself. She just wishes that green thing she ran over would take the hint as well!

Nothing has been quite the same for Mona ever since the accident. Mona was originally from the west coast, in the town of Bluescist Harbor, CA. As a teenager, she suffered from a traumatic near-death experience that turned her life (and personality!) upside-down and led her to develop an ability to see and interact with spirits...which everyone had a hard time believing. The worst part of it is that Mona feels like she's piloting an entirely different person sometimes, and struggles to readjust. No more was Mona the perfect straight A+ daughter with 20 extracurriculars, now she just gets told what a "disappointment she's become" and that she "threw all her future away." This left Mona in a state of deep isolation from everyone she knew and shut the world out from her. Somehow, she made it through college, where she met her now ex-boyfriend, Atticus. Unfortunately, their relationship did not last - after a bad break-up, something in Mona snapped. She sold all her belongings, bought a camper van, packed up her remaining possessions, and left the city in a rush.
Mona meets TB after running into him at night with her van. Her first impression of this guy was him getting all up in her face like an angry chihuahua, like seriously, who does this guy think he is?! He's probably the most annoying and stupidest person she's ever met...she can't stand him! Every word he says is like sandpaper to Mona's ears, and she makes it very known to TB that it does. And yet, no matter how many times she's kicked him out the van, he still comes back the next day. Mona is slow to warm up to TB, but eventually his presence grows on her like moss. She feels like she can easily talk about anything with this guy, but despite their closeness, Mona still thinks it's funny to pull his leg from time to time.
Mona is a reserved woman who tends to keep to herself. Despite her shy nature, she can also be very confrontational due to her "no bullshit" attitude where she doesn't care about how others perceive her (it's not her problem!). Because of this, Mona often comes off to others as bad-tempered due in part to her "resting bitch face" (which is really just her default tired face). However, she is very passionate about the things she enjoys, if someone is ever willing to lend an ear, and can be quite impressionable even at the most mundane of experiences. She also has a more mischievous side when she's warmed up enough with someone, and loves teasing them. She is more on the sentimental side and can be found taking candid photos and collecting various memorabilias, including receipts and ticket stubs.
- Her van
- Shooting glass bottles
- Collecting crystals
- Fishing
- Bad romcoms
- Beer
- Photography
- Demons
- Annoying or loud people
- Overcooked meat
- Large crowds
- Her ex
- Pop music
- Mentioning her past
- Voice claim: Shego (Kim Possible)/Joan of Arc (Clone High) - VA: Nicole Sullivan
- Singing voice claim: Chrissy Constanza (Against the Current)
- Named for monazite, a rare thorium-bearing mineral often used in radiometric dating.
- Average in height, about the same as TB to give him disapproving looks.
- Drives, and lives in an orange Volkswagen Type 2 T1 Westfalia (those vintage camper buses).
- Is really into spirituality and crystal healing. She would make fun of your astrology birth chart.
- Her fashion style ranges from alt rock/nu-metal to metal goth.
- Hair color is natural, can be interpreted as pink, purple, or brown.
- She has a few tattoos...all of them hidden in plain sight. The most significant one is the one on her wrist of her ex's name (always covered up).
- Self-proclaimed misanthrope. She believes she is completely independent and doesn't need anyone's help, nor do they need her's.
- EXUDES failgirl energy. Has the demeanor of a divourced dad in a mid-life crisis.
- Carries around a revolver, and rumored to be a sharpshooter.
- Can be found grilling meat sometimes...but she is a pescatarian, and doesn't eat meat.
- If she is annoyed enough by someone, she might just respond with a random date and time while refusing to elaborate.
- Her change in personality is due to her soul accidentally intertwining with a mid-40's trucker dad's soul.
- Likes to tell people she collects minds by trapping them into jars.
- Has a degree in business, but it is never relevant to her.
- Gets nervous watching football and has to lock herself outside when her team is losing.
- She is shy but up-front; she can easily tell others what is on her mind, but lacks the confidence to start conversations with strangers.
- Monazite forms as pegmatites in granite rocks which then erode into sedimentary sand.
- Is paramagnetic (weak magnetic attraction in the same direction of the magnetic field).
- Can be radioactive if it contains thorium or uranium.
- Often found in alluvial deposits, such as sand.
- Monazite-(Ce) is an important ore for cerium, which is used for making polishing materials for camera lenses.