• Height is average, under 6 ft.
  • Hair is any color between brown-orange to brown-purple.
  • Sideburn (?) things on the side of his head is stiff, but can be drawn pointed or rounded.
  • Choice of fashion is simple alt/punk clothing. Usually a black t-shirt with a band logo or geological symbols on it + red pants.
  • Piercings do not need to all be drawn, but try to include at least ONE. Feel free to add more on his ears.

Name: Clayton Do
Alias: Clay, (Clayton) Doloman
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: 15 -16 yrs old/Mid 20's
DOB: April 20, 1996 (Aries)
Personality: Abrasive, blunt, shy, stubborn, pushover, unconfident
Rock/Mineral: Claystone, Sedimentary Rocks

Band: Nonconformity
Position: Frontman, bass, vocals
Occupation: Student at James Hutton HS (Sophomore)/Unemployed, College dropout

Likes: trucks, driving, punk rock, classic rock, orange soda, road trips, BBQ
Dislikes: pop music, condiments, pressure, getting his clothes wet, parallel parking
Hobbies: playing bass, collecting vinyl records, collecting rocks, stealing road signs
Skills: repairing, hot-wiring motor vehicles, playing cards, cartography, stacking things on top of another

Favorite bands: The Offspring, Descendents, Good Charlotte, Avenged Sevenfold, Green Day, Pennywise
Aesthetic: atomic desert, cactus, coyotes, rocks, roads, old motels, American SW

(Click images to see full view)

BIO: Clay is a very average kid, he doesn't stand out in any way. Too average to be popular, and too average to be singled out and picked on. Clay isn't very bright either, he makes the most average grades ever. He believes he is a nobody & that everyone mocks him (which isn't exactly true! A lot of regular kids know he exists, but due to his avoidant nature they don't actually know him as a person.) He lives a life of monotony, following the same repetitive routines day to day, which he's honestly okay with. Clay enjoys taking life in the slow lane and never cared about standing out...until he met Jules.

Now all of a sudden a whole landslide of events all crashed onto Clay at once. Forming a punk rock band with his 2 close and only friends, getting possessed by a bass shredding demon, discovering the secrets of a mysterious guitar pick, incidentally meeting his favorite rock star of all time (who was presumed dead until then), getting caught up in others' relationship hang-ups, and getting into all kinds of trouble...all to try impressing the girl of his dreams!


  • Voice claim: Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long) - VA: Dante Basco
  • Singing voice claim: William Beckett (The Academy Is...)
  • Named for claystone (a detrital sedimentary rock composed of clay-sized sediment) and dolomite (a carbonate rock)
  • Speaks with a slight Texas drawl. Speech is slow and fragmented (it's difficult to figure out when he's done with his train of thought), uses a lot of contractions like y'all've.
  • Knows how to stack a really good sandwich. He thinks it's his best quality and takes pride in it.
  • Jacket is actually a shredded up blazer he originally used for formal activities.
  • Acts like a tough guy to seem cool but really has fragile feelings.
  • Gets nervous at fast food places and only orders chicken tenders.
  • Has an odd memory where he can remember random things in perfect detail and other things not at all. (I.e. he remembers the exact details of an obscure TV show but will completely forget your birthday.)
  • Also has a lot of rock knowledge. He enjoys picking up random rocks on his travels.
  • He's pretty good at card games.



A close friend of Clay, he met Jade (and Grant as well) as kids during a meetup for a qilin/lion dance team.

Clay tolerates Jade, but he thinks he is gross. Especially with all the stuff he has in jars laying around in his dilapidated doghouse. The two also get into heated arguments a lot, they can't see eye to eye, not to mention Jade sometimes gets on Clay's nerves.


Clay's best friend, the one person he trusts to tell MOST things to, and the person he hides behind in social situations.

He believes Grant is the most sane between them and Jade (as long as he stays away from their incinerator). However, he's not a fan of Grant's pushy attitude. He knows they're just trying to help him get out of his shell, but it's a bit much...!!


A weird little magman (silica-based humanoid) trapped inside of Clay's guitar pick. Riff is eternally bitter over his curse, mainly because he is a huge glutton who misses being able to eat. Riff realizes he can possess Clay while he's wielding the guitar pick, so he possesses Clay when they're at restaurants too. Clay really hates it, especially since Riff is not a picky all.


Clay has a huge crush on Jules, or at least he's really convinced he does. He wants to impress Jules into thinking that he's cool.

Jules is the reason the Nonconformity band even exists in the first place! Clay met Jules at a rock show. Even though Clay enjoys hanging out with Jules, he has trouble telling Jules how he feels though, but let's see how that goes!


Clay's rival. Maybe self-proclaimed. Cal didn't really seem to wild about that idea, in fact he finds it amusing.

Everything Cal does drives Clay so ANGRY. His attitude, the way he dresses, the way he carries himself. But Clay's anger only provokes Cal into being more annoying to him. He wishes to do nothing more than wipe the smug grin off Cal's face.


Clay's idol! He found him living in a junkyard after disappearing off the face of the planet for a decade or so.

He really admires Diesel. In fact, he's memorized all of Diesel's solos! Clay's just happy that he was able to persuade the rock legend into mentoring his band (it took a bit of annoying begging and messing around with his truck to make him budge).


Clay sees Floyd as more of a pest than a rival. A little annoying. He wishes Floyd would leave him alone.

Everyone in town knows who Floyd is, he's the bratty son of that shady CEO that lives in Granite Heights. Clay is a little worried about why Floyd seems so interested in his just seems like he's asking for trouble, and Clay HATES inconveniences.

Rock Facts:
  • Claystone is a type of mudrock.
  • Mudrocks are very good at preserving fossils, including soft body parts. (this is b/c the mud protects it from erosion.)
  • Mudrocks are impermeable, fluids like water cannot pass them easily.
  • Clay is the smallest sized particle in sediments.