As Clayton's main rival, nothing stops Floyd from getting what he desires most: Clayton's legendary guitar pick. He has become an increasingly huge annoyance to Clayton who just wants to be left alone. Negotiating, sending threatening letters, blocking Clayton's path with his limo, and pulling out the hypno-death ring all seemed to not send a message to Clayton at all - or maybe he just doesn't care enough...which gets on Floyd's nerves!!! There is only one thing left for him to do: Assemble his own rock band to challenge Nonconformity to a Battle of the Bands, with the guitar pick at stake. The guy is schemer, and he is willing to play the long game in order to take what show belong to him.
Floyd is at the top of his institution's social hierachy, though not without clawing his way up and eliminating those that stood in his path. Despite his ruthless methods and intimidation tactics, he is a pretty chill guy, opting to befriend those around him and even going as far as to share his wealth. Most importantly, Floyd works under his father and his oil company, carrying out his dirty work.
Forming a band and recruiting musical talent is no problem to Floyd; he had previously been in a chamber orchestra group with his friends. Upon discussing Floyd's plan to annihilate Nonconformity, they settled upon a much appropriatly name for the band: Evaporize.
Floyd is at the top of his institution's social hierachy, though not without clawing his way up and eliminating those that stood in his path. Despite his ruthless methods and intimidation tactics, he is a pretty chill guy, opting to befriend those around him and even going as far as to share his wealth. Most importantly, Floyd works under his father and his oil company, carrying out his dirty work.
Forming a band and recruiting musical talent is no problem to Floyd; he had previously been in a chamber orchestra group with his friends. Upon discussing Floyd's plan to annihilate Nonconformity, they settled upon a much appropriatly name for the band: Evaporize.
He's "daddy's perfect son." A brilliant and smart kid who's just a tiny bit snobby at times. In times of trouble, he hides behind his father, getting him to deal with the issue at hand which usually includes political scare tactics since his father is a powerful and wealthy figure in Granite Heights. Floyd is actually not wimpy and can stand up for himself against bullies, but who would have the guts to? Not when he potentially can get his scary rich dad involved...He is loyal to those close to him, but this also means he is prone to blindly following their orders...especially from his own father who may just be using Floyd for his own personal gain. Floyd's sense of right and wrong are muddied by his desire for parental approval, and his black and white thinking where the ends justify the means further convinces Floyd that as long as he can make his father proud, everything will turn out okay, even if sacrifices need to be made.
While quite introverted, Floyd is a very well-liked guy among his peers, though it is unclear whether that is due to his friendly demeanor or his scary looming rich father. In contrast to his popularity, he can be seen as reserved and awkward at times for choosing to ignore social cues, and can seem cold to outsiders, but Floyd is very down-to-earth in spite of this. He is certainly very intelligent and hard-working, though deep down he harbors intense jealousy for those who can get anything they want without trying. To Floyd, he had to work to get where he wanted, and yet he believes it's still not enough. He is generally pretty well-grounded compared to his friends though, acting as their voice of reason. At times, he can be a bit of a show-off.
While quite introverted, Floyd is a very well-liked guy among his peers, though it is unclear whether that is due to his friendly demeanor or his scary looming rich father. In contrast to his popularity, he can be seen as reserved and awkward at times for choosing to ignore social cues, and can seem cold to outsiders, but Floyd is very down-to-earth in spite of this. He is certainly very intelligent and hard-working, though deep down he harbors intense jealousy for those who can get anything they want without trying. To Floyd, he had to work to get where he wanted, and yet he believes it's still not enough. He is generally pretty well-grounded compared to his friends though, acting as their voice of reason. At times, he can be a bit of a show-off.
- Voice claim: Randal Graves (Clerks) - Jeff Anderson
- Singing voice claim: Ryan Key (Yellowcard)
- Named for fluorite, spar is taken from fluor spar which is a mining terminology for fluorite.
- Carries around a Rubix cube everywhere.
- He is really REALLY bad at expressing his feelings.
- His dad is a CEO of an industrial company, so his family is rich. He owns his own yacht where he hosts TTRPGs at.
- Has his own arcade room on his yacht too.
- Aspires to be a marine biologist.
- Actually owns 2 great white sharks.
- Collects teeth of different animals.
- Likes to count by perfect squares (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, etc.)
- Makes a lot of ytp videos.
- Hopeless romantic in theory, but not in practice.
- Has many academic achievements and a trophy room to prove it.
- While he is very smart, he is not considered a "gifted kid" but rather a hardworking overachiever.
- He eventually becomes an oceanographer in his mid 20's, focusing his research on marine life at hydrothermal vents.