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⛏ TB Nicholson
Torbernite • Cu[(UO2)(PO4)]2(H2O)12 • Phosphate GroupSandstone Springs, AZ
Bio: As a (mad) scientist who lives on the fringes of civilization, TB could be considered an outlaw to many. His peculiar demeanor is offputting and he isn't particularly liked by his fellow townspeople. After dropping out of his PhD program, TB has done nothing but be a nuisance to Sandstone Springs.
⛏ Mona Truong
Monazite • (Ce,La,Th)PO4 • Phosphate GroupBlueschist Harbor, CA
Bio: A near-death experience left Mona with the unwanted side-effects of seeing ghosts, but also gaining invaluable knowledge of grilling and fishing — she is not quite sure how to process this. Due to her misanthropic nature, Mona tends to keep to herself and stay out of everyone's hair. Ew, people!